Ever Green
Herman’s Ever Green is a delicate green tea suitable after every meal to be in shape and keep fit. Premium green tea is handpicked and produced free from the bitterness of normal green tea and is best consumed without Milk or Sugar. If preferred add Honey or slice of Lemon.
Format: Pyramid Bags
Units in box: 25
Weight: 75 g

96 in stock
Herman’s range of gourmet teas consists of top of the range teas meticulously selected just for you. Taste and experience Herman’s exquisite Gourmet Tea!!! Allow Herman’s Gourmet Range to tantalise your taste buds and refresh, re-energize your day with a tea experience unique to Herman’s handcrafted labour of love.
Available in silken pyramid bags and foil wrapped loose tea cartons
Herman teas do not contain genetically modified raw materials or ingredients derived from genetically modified raw materials. All our teas, herbal infusions and naturally flavored teas do not include any glutenous ingredients. Our teas can be brewed for serving more than once.
Format: Pyramid Bags
Units in box: 25